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Hello Visitor!

Welcome to Vigilant Minds! You might be wondering who or what we are?

We are a cult support ministry in Calgary, AB. Our group was founded by ex Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons and concerned Christians.

Our group is attended by mostly ex JW and LDS, but we also have had persons from a variety of legalistic “church” backgrounds attend our group.

We meet every week on Thursday evening at 7pm in a private home setting. We hope to help alleviate some of the social loss at our meetings that comes with exiting a cult.

One of the ways we can help people get deprogrammed is through the Bible. Cultists have been programmed to think a certain way, with the Bible being abused to push cult propaganda. Attendees can expect to learn the grace and mercy of Jesus, and who He really is.

Some of the ex JWs and Mormons who attend have been out of the organization for many years, and can offer valuable insight into recovery from shunning, mental distress and more.

We hold bi-monthly potlucks where a variety of people attend, so that is always a great time to find new friends and meet other ex cultists.

We also offer a class called “Defending Our Faith”, which is typically held every year at Centre Street Church. The course deals with how to reach out to Mormons and JW’s.

We also have a variety of speaking engagements at various Christians conferences and churches around Calgary.

If you have left or are thinking of leaving a cult, please feel free to attend our group or get connected through our meetup.com group. We can also arrange a private meeting, so please don’t hesitate to contact us.


3 Responses

  1. Stefanie B Naidoo says:

    I attended a conference on Saturday afternoon where a speaker from Vigilant Minds covered a topic on cults. He mentioned that a 12 or 13 week will be starting for free and that anyone at the session was welcome to attend these too. Could you give me more information on what will be covered and where and when the sessions will be held please?

    • Tiffany says:

      Hi Stefanie, here is the link for the class: https://calvarychapel.ca/events/defending-our-faith-vigilant-minds-8/?date=2018-09-12
      You can simply arrive at the class on Wednesday’s at Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel at 7pm. It is free, but there is a $20 binder with the material you will need to buy.
      The course will cover the Trinity, Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesses for a few weeks each also. You will learn what they believe, and how to witness to both cults. Don will be speaking about specific scriptures they will bring up at the door and how to defend the Biblical stance. Thanks, Tiffany

    • Don McAreavy says:

      Hi Stephanie: There is a new class that started on Tuesday January 8th and will be running every Tuesday evening until April 12. It is only $10.00 for the binder and just show up any Tuesday evening to Theater “A” in the main Center Street Campus (that is NOT on Center Street). We are currently covering the Trinity and will be on this subject for 2 more weeks. Then we will be covering Mormonism and after that Jehovah’s Witnesses. We will have testimonies from people who have left both groups and found a new life in Jesus. Hopefully we will see you some upcoming Tuesday evening. God Bless You – Don

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